[Bigbang-dev] Potential things to ask of big bang

Corinne Cath corinnecath at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 10:29:05 CEST 2018

Hi all,

i trust this email finds you well. As most know, I am an anthropologist at
the oxford internet institute doing research on the ietf.

Most of my methods are qualitative in nature, but i was wondering if it
would be possible to use bigbang to get insight into the following:

1. who (what email address) has sent how many emails to a given list over a
given time period (month/year mostly)
2. how many people are subscribed to a list in total?
3. how many emails have been sent in a given period of time?
4. the average number of emails over a given period of time?
5. The highest number of replies to a particular thread over a given period
of time?

I have been talking off list with Niels about this and he suggested I share
my questions with you. My apologies if these are very
rudimentary questions, I am not super familiar with the precise affordances
of bigbang.


Corinne Cath
Ph.D. Candidate, Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute

Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath
Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk & corinnecath at gmail.com
Twitter: @C_Cath
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