[Bigbang-dev] Big Bang Notebook Questions Corinne

Beraldo, Davide d.beraldo at uva.nl
Wed Jul 25 14:03:31 CEST 2018

Hey Corinne,

So I have integrated the first two additional measures (relative user activity and responsiveness -interesting measure btw)

As for the third (you want to compute the yearly growth rate of users activity, if I got it right), I have been struggling with it a bit but haven't come to a working solution yet. Unfortunately (so to say ;P) I'll be traveling till Monday, so I can start to work on it again next week.

Also, I have tested the inconsistency you mention and I do get them on other mls as well. When measuring the number of emails as the length of the (filtered) archive, it gives a slightly different result then when filtering per month and doing the total. I tried to dig into it but really cannot make sense of it at the moment

I attach the notebook with the additions so you can test it locally if useful. I have integrated the new features in the 4th and 6th cells.

I'll get back to you next week!


From: cattekwaad at gmail.com [cattekwaad at gmail.com] on behalf of Corinne Cath [corinnecath at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 5:51 PM
To: Beraldo, Davide
Cc: bigbang-dev at data-activism.net
Subject: Re: [Bigbang-dev] Big Bang Notebook Questions Corinne

Hi Davide,

Many many thanks! So for the last one, I would like for each user how many emails they sent in each year and how those relate to each other. My phrasing is a bit clumsy, my apologies allow me to demonstrate:

So if Corinne sent 10 emails in year 1 and 20 in year two, that is a 50% increase of her emails. I guess I could also do that by head/calculator.

I will also send a longer email to the list explaining some issues I ran into today!


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Beraldo, Davide <d.beraldo at uva.nl<mailto:d.beraldo at uva.nl>> wrote:
Hi Corinne,

sorry I totally forgot to get back on this. Responding on coding-related questions.

    In [6]: top senders over a time period
    Currently, it gives the absolute numbers, for example, niels ten oever 77.0
    It would be great to know what percentage that represents of the total number of emails sent in the     period specified. So, those 77 emails are they 0.5, 5, 50% etc of the total over that period?

Easy peasy

    In [7]: number of emails in a time frame
    I was wondering if it would also be possible to indicate the number of threads versus single emails (with no responses) to get a sense of how responsive a mailing list is in a certain time period.


    In [8]: I would be interested in, for instance, the average number of emails per user, across multiple years.
    It seems that currently, the numbers presented are not the average across the time specified but the absolute. That might also be because for the test run, I set

    date_from = pd.datetime(2014,10,1,tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    date_to = pd.datetime(2015,11,30,tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    which is only a little over a year.

OK I think I misunderstood your question before. So you want to do: for each user, count how many emails she sent in a timeframe, divide by number of years? If so, be aware that if you don't use a round number of years you would get inconsistent results on the tails. Also, do you mean year as in 365 days from date_from, or year as in 2015,2016,2017,...?

I'll try to incorporate these changes tomorrow, hope it's not too late!


Corinne Cath
Ph.D. Candidate, Oxford Internet Institute & Alan Turing Institute

Web: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath<http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/people/corinne-cath>
Email: ccath at turing.ac.uk<mailto:ccath at turing.ac.uk> & corinnecath at gmail.com<mailto:corinnecath at gmail.com>
Twitter: @C_Cath
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