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<a href="https://2022.connectedlearningsummit.org/call-for-proposals/" target="_blank">Call for proposals</a> now open for the fifth annual <a href="https://2022.connectedlearningsummit.org/" target="_blank">Connected Learning Summit</a>, which will run entirely online from July 27 to July 29, 2022. <div><br>This
year’s conference format has been adapted significantly based on our
learnings from last year’s first fully online CLS. Click <a href="https://clalliance.org/blog/announcing-the-call-for-proposals-for-connected-learning-summit-2022/" target="_blank">here</a> for a post with more background.<br><br><b>Call for Proposals opens: January 3, 2022<br><br>Deadline for submissions: March 27, 2022<br><br>Notifications: May 2022</b><br><br>We invite submissions of <b>Research Papers</b> and <b>Showcases</b>
that focus on digital technologies for learning, educational and
commercial games, innovative tech-infused curricula, and theoretical
and/or empirical exploration of digital media and technology for
learning. We particularly encourage submissions that are responsive to
issues of pressing contemporary concern – a global racial reckoning,
pandemic-fueled digital transformations, persistent social inequities,
and the climate crisis.<br><br>Our program will start with a
pre-conference day on Wednesday, July 27 for conversation around topics
of shared interest, including affinity group meetings, as well as
meetups for Research Paper and Showcase contributors. The Main
conference on Thursday, July 28 and Friday, July 29 will include keynote
and plenary sessions, and workshops organized by <a href="https://clalliance.org/who-we-are/" target="_blank">Connected Learning Alliance (CLA) partners</a> including the <a href="http://civicpaths.uscannenberg.org/" target="_blank">Civic Paths Group</a>, <a href="https://connectedcamps.com/" target="_blank">Connected Camps</a>, <a href="https://transformativestudentvoice.net/" target="_blank">Critical Civic Inquiry Group</a>, <a href="http://learndbir.org/" target="_blank">Design Based Implementation Research</a> faculty, <a href="http://digitalyouthnetwork.org/" target="_blank">Digital Youth Network</a>, <a href="https://www.etc.cmu.edu/" target="_blank">Education Technology Center</a> at Carnegie Mellon University, <a href="https://learninggamesnetwork.org/" target="_blank">Learning Games Network</a>, <a href="https://www.media.mit.edu/groups/lifelong-kindergarten/overview/" target="_blank">Lifelong Kindergarten group</a> at the MIT Media Lab, MIT’s <a href="https://education.mit.edu/" target="_blank">Scheller Teacher Education Program and Education Arcade</a>, and the <a href="http://tinkering.exploratorium.edu/" target="_blank">Tinkering Studi</a>o at the Exploratorium. <br><br>CLS2022 will be entirely online via <a href="https://midspace.app/" target="_blank">Midspace</a> (formerly
Clowdr), an open source, not for profit, event and community platform.
For 2022, Midspace will include a range of usability enhancements and
features which we believe will improve the online event experience. The
majority of the event will be programmed during work hours in North
America, but will also include some programming in the morning hours of
Asia and Australia. <br><br><b>Research Papers.</b> Academic papers
subject to blind peer review. Authors of accepted papers will need to
record a three-minute video prior to the event, which will be published
in a publicly viewable archive online. Authors will also be invited to
discuss their work with other research paper and CLS participants at a
meetup organized on the pre-conference day on July 27, 2022 (July 28 for
participants in Asia and Australia). Please submit a paper of up to 7
pages in length using the <a href="https://2022.connectedlearningsummit.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2021/12/ResearchPaperTemplate-CLS2022.docx" target="_blank">research paper submission template</a>,
and a 250 word abstract for the online video archive. Full Research
Papers accepted to the 2022 Connected Learning Summit will be published
in their entirety following a review in consultation with the
proceedings co-editors. As with the proceedings from the 2018, 2019, and
2020 Connected Learning Summits, the Proceedings of the 2022 Connected
Learning Summit will be published by Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC
Press. The proceedings will be made available online for free.<br><br><b>Showcases.</b> Proposals
highlighting a specific project, program, or product. Accepted showcase
presenters will need to record a video prior to the event, which will
be published in a publicly viewable archive online. Presenters will be
invited to discuss their work with other presenters and CLS participants
at a meetup organized on the pre-conference day on July 27, 2022 (July
28 for participants in Asia and Australia). Please submit a detailed
description (2 pages max) for reviewers, and a 250 word abstract for the
online video archive. <br><br>Submit papers and proposals <a href="https://2022.connectedlearningsummit.org/proposal-submission-form/" target="_blank">here</a>.<br><br><b>About the Connected Learning Summit</b><br>CLS was first convened in <a href="https://2018.connectedlearningsummit.org/" target="_blank">2018</a> with
the mission to fuel a growing movement of innovators harnessing the
power of emerging technology to expand access to participatory, playful,
and creative learning. It was launched as a merger between three
community events with this shared vision and values: the <a href="https://dmlhub.net/conference/index.html" target="_blank">Digital Media and Learning Conference</a>, the <a href="http://glsconference.net/" target="_blank">Games+Learning+Society Conference</a>, and <a href="https://www.pgpedia.com/s/sandbox-summit" target="_blank">Sandbox Summit</a>.
With a unique focus on cross-sector connections and progressive and
catalytic innovation, the event brings together leading researchers,
educators, and developers. The hosting and stewardship of the event has
continued to evolve in tandem with the changing conditions of the global
pandemic. UC Irvine’s <a href="https://connectedlearning.uci.edu/" target="_blank">Connected Learning Lab</a> and MIT’s <a href="https://education.mit.edu/" target="_blank">Scheller Teacher Education Program and Education Arcade</a> were
the founding hosts of the event. As we have moved online and become a
more international event, we are expanding our roster of partners and
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div dir="ltr" class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div dir="ltr"><div><br></div>B. Remy Cross, Ph.D.<div>Research Manager</div><div>Connected Learning Lab</div><div>University of California, Irvine</div><div>Irvine, CA 92697</div><div>Phone: (949)-278-8927</div><div>Pronouns: he/him/his</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>