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Thinning lines of Safety, Surveillance, Industrial Competitiveness,
IP, Security, etc.. etc... In The Time of COVID-19<br>
A palette full of Greys; 1001 Shades!<br>
<font size="+1"><b><br>
</b><b>"Israel’s Not-So-Secret Weapon in Coronavirus Fight: The
Spies of Mossad"</b></font><br>
<i>The Israeli intelligence agency has played an outsize role in
acquiring the medical gear, and knowledge, needed in the pandemic.</i><br>
By Ronen Bergman<br>
The New York Times<br>
Published April 12, 2020<br>
Updated April 13, 2020, 1:33 a.m. ET<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/world/middleeast/coronavirus-israel-mossad.html">https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/world/middleeast/coronavirus-israel-mossad.html</a><br>
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<font color="#b3b3b3"><i>Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.<br>
Principal Technologist &<br>
</i><i>Distinguished Senior Research Scholar</i><i><br>
</i><i>Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)</i><i><br>
</i><i>University of Hawai'i</i></font></div>